Authoring reusable and portable Web Components
When a Web Component can be considered reusable and portable?
The term reusable implies that such component can be reused in multiple websites or applications without creating any copy of it; hence we are just fetching the component resources at their origin and adding them directly to the page or to a bundle.
The term portable implies that such a component is not tied to any particular framework or technology other than the web platform itself, as far as possible.
As an example, I'll start with a fully working component and describe how it has been implemented.
The component is a Playground for creating Web Components, and it features:
- embedded
files editor - parsing and runtime error reporting
- a live preview of the edited component
- option to download the edited component as a zip archive containing the view, style, and controller files that can be then dynamically imported into any page
You can see it in action here >> ⚽ Playground
But before that, let's see a brief list of the challenges behind such an implementation.
A component is reusable and portable when:
- it can be added to any page by just importing a module (dynamically as well)
- does not require the developer to install additional files or dependencies other than the imported module
- it won't mess up with existing page styles and can optionally inherit them selectively
- it offers a standard way for interoperating with other components and scripts
- should let the developer provide an alternative HTML-static presentation where JavaScript is disabled
- does not add any complexity, like additional scripts for implementing a certain functionality, unless the user accesses that particular functionality (fine-grained resource allocation)
- component files and related resources must not require any server-side code to function; otherwise, it won't be that portable (*)
and also, preferably:
- does not load any resources (e.g. styles, images) and does not start any script or inner components until the user visualize the component itself
- should not force the developer to learn and adopt additional abstractions or dialects that are not strictly required and that could be implemented anyway with the standard Web APIs in a more performant way
This approach, besides reducing network traffic, also naturally preserves users privacy by keeping the information exchange between the user's client and online servers to a minimum.
How can all of this be achieved?
Well, I'd like to say that the state of the art of web technologies is that the web is already designed for this, but that's not the case, and there are still some features lacking on the web platform.
Standards proceed very slowly, it's a delicate matter that takes time, but in the meantime, the web development scene got overwhelmed with bundlers, package managers, and frameworks with fancy and sometimes scary abstractions, not to mention continuous breaking changes that do not certainly make a developer happy.
Anyway, back to the missing web features, just to mention some, though it's already possible to dynamically import JavaScript modules and CSS files (not for all browsers), it's not yet possible to load a document fragment or template from a .html
So the CSS
and HTML
code must be generated from the Web Component class too, or as a template in the same HTML document hosting the component.
In my opinion, this is kind of a limitation if we think of a reusable component, since all reusable parts get mixed with other elements.
We can get around these limitations using some utility libraries; there are a few, and here I am using a library I wrote that, among other things, can dynamically load the component view and style from separate files (.html
, .css
), though it's not the library that's the focus of this article but rather the common pitfalls a developer might encounter in writing a portable component.
So, let's now discover how this can be implemented, using as an example the web components' Playground described at the beginning of this article.
The first implementation step is to determine what resources the component requires in order to implement its functionality. With "resources", I mean any additional scripts, libraries, modules, or styles.
Some of these resources will be required to be available before the component starts its main business logic; otherwise, there might be runtime errors due to premature access to objects that are not instantiated yet. I'll call these core resources.
Specifically, the Playground component requires the following before it can start:
- Monaco Editor
The code editor used for inline editing of HTML / CSS / JS - zx-context.module.js
A custom element that can dynamically load and unload components and that is used to preview in real-time the edited component - Material Design Lite (inherited)
Material Design button and menu modules, just to have some nice UI elements
Loading core resources
The web platform already offers a way for dynamically loading ES modules via the dynamic import(..), so we can use that for loading the MDL button, MDL menu, and the zx-context modules.
But there's no web API for loading regular scripts or libraries other than using the <script src=".."></script>
tag, which can also be implemented programmatically. There are plenty of articles about that, but here I'll be adopting the zuix.using(..)
utility method that was implemented to get around this issue.
This method, besides regular scripts, can also dynamically load styles and singleton components, and it has a built-in caching mechanism.
In the Playground, this is used for Monaco Editor (I was not able to load it with a dynamic import) and with two other libraries that are not available as ES modules.
Synchronization and interoperability
Since components and resources are loaded asynchronously, some additional checks must be implemented to ensure that a component is ready before we can get a reference to its element and also use any public method or property that the underlying class implements.
So, in the case of a vanilla JS implementation, the component class can be implemented in a .js
module along with the HTML and CSS code:
File: test-component.js (pseudo-code)
class TestComponent extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});
// component implementation ..
// ...
// add component style and view
testMethod() {
// ...
function loadCoreResources() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// dynamic imports ...
// ... then ... then ...
loadCoreResources().then(() => {
// all core resources have been loaded, finally
// define custom element associated to this component
.define('test-component', TestComponent);
Of course, when loading core resources, all paths must be absolute in order to ensure that the component is also reusable and thus loadable from any server other than the one hosting the component itself.
So, the component's module above takes care of loading all core resources before defining the custom element associated with its class, and on the other end, the consumer can use the customElements.whenDefined
method to ensure the component is ready before accessing any of its functionality:
<!-- the module is loaded asynchronously -->
<script async src="test-component.js" type="module"></script>
<!-- the custom element of the component -->
<test-component id="my-component"></test-component>
// ensure component is ready before using it
async function start() {
const wc = document.querySelector('#my-component')
// wc.testMethod(); // <-- this would throw an exception
// ...the component module and its core resources
// get asynchronously imported at some point...
await customElements.whenDefined('test-component');
// Component is ready and can be safely used now
A brief note on actual implementation
In the actual implementation of the Playground, which makes use of zuix.js, the component extends ControllerInstance
, a base class that implements common lifecycle patterns of a component.
In particular, inside the onInit
lifecycle callback, it overrides the ready
handler and uses a state variable to signal when all core resources have been loaded.
File: zx-playground.js (excerpt)
class ZxPlayground extends ControllerInstance {
// ...
onInit() {
// this state variable is decremented
// after each core resource has been loaded
this.waitingResources = 2;
// override the default "ready" handler in order to wait for
// resources to be loaded before starting the component
this.declare('ready', () => this.waitingResources === 0);
// ...
Nothing else has to be done, and the consumer can then use the zuix.context(..)
method from JS code or the z-using
attribute in the HTML code in order to guarantee safe and automatic synchronization of interoperating components.
For instance, consider the case where we have a Material Design button that, when clicked, opens up a Context Menu component. Both components are loaded asynchronously.
<main z-using="my-menu">
<mdl-button (click)="myMenu.show()">
Open menu
<context-menu z-context="my-menu">
<template #menu>
<button>Option 1</button>
<button>Option 2</button>
<button>Option 3</button>
The z-using
attribute will create a new scripting context out of a simple HTML tag in the page (the main
tag in this case, but it could have been a simple div
So the button (click)
event handler code (as for any script eventually defined inside that context) will not be executed until the my-menu
component is ready.
Furthermore, any component specified inside the z-using
tag is automatically available as a variable in that scripting context, with the name converted to Camel case (so my-menu
becomes myMenu
See the Pen Gesture Helper by g-labs (@genielabs) on CodePen.
As shown in the example above, there's no need to implement any "then
" logic to determine when all components are ready.
With this approach, nearly anything on the page could be loaded asynchronously without worrying about synchronization between components. It's all automagic.
And this is really something I would also like to see implemented in the Web Components API some day. Scripts that run only in a given context (I called these, maybe improperly, "scoped scripts"), and a mechanism to synchronize and use components without writing any code other than simple handlers.
Deferred resource loading
Besides the core resources, a component might require other resources to be loaded at some point when the user accesses certain functionality.
Following this design pattern, we are ensuring that unnecessary data and resources do not weigh on the initial component payload. A service worker can eventually be employed to prefetch and cache all other component files in the background.
The Playground component also requires the following additional resources:
When a runtime error occurs in the edited component
When the user clicks on the "download" option
- JSZip
- Blob saver (shipped with zuix.js bundler)
We can use dynamic import and the zuix.using(..) methods like before, but in this case only when that particular functionality is being used for the first time.
So, when an error occurs, the following method will be called:
File: zx-playground.js (excerpt)
setError(err) {
zuix.using('script', `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/error-stack-parser@2.1.4/dist/error-stack-parser.min.js`, () => {
const frames = self.ErrorStackParser.parse(err);
const errorFrame = frames[0]; // <-- TODO: find by 'fileName'
errorFrame.lineNumber -= 2; // adjust source line
// set error
const error = {
startLineNumber: errorFrame.lineNumber,
startColumn: errorFrame.columnNumber,
endLineNumber: errorFrame.lineNumber,
endColumn: errorFrame.columnNumber,
message: err.message,
severity: monaco.MarkerSeverity.Error
const model = this._editorJs.getModel();
monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(model, 'service', [error]);
// check for other errors (view scripting scope)
and when the user clicks on the download option, the following code is used to zip the component files and then save the resulting archive to the client. This all will happen on the client side; no server-side code is used.
File: zx-playground.js (excerpt)
zuix.using('script', '@cdnjs/jszip/3.10.1/jszip.min.js', () => {
const zip = new JSZip();
zip.file(`${componentName}.html`, this.componentData.html);
zip.file(`${componentName}.css`, this.componentData.css);
zip.file(`${componentName}.js`, this.componentData.js);
// ...
zip.generateAsync({type: 'blob'})
.then((content) => {
zuix.using('script', 'https://zuixjs.github.io/zuix/js/zuix-bundler.min.js', () => {
zuix.saveBlob(content, `${componentName}.zip`);
Even if it's not implemented in this example, a state variable could be employed to provide visual feedback and let the user know that a resource is being downloaded. Anyway, if a service worker already cached those files, this might not be necessary at all.
Final considerations
So, today, the Web Platform almost offers all it takes to implement a reusable and portable web component, maybe sometimes with the help of some library that brings some particular functionality the component requires, rather than a whole framework of which it will be using only 1% of the features.
In most cases, it can be done without any framework, bundler, or package manager.
Therefore, it is advisable to first check if a component can be implemented without requiring the adoption of any third-party technology that might make a project less reusable and cause a waste of time and effort.
With this in mind, I also created zKit, which has been around for 7 years and never had a single breaking change, while in the meantime I've also been using frameworks for other projects.
And in my experience using these frameworks, I can say it's not a good time at all whenever you have to upgrade dependencies because of "security vulnerabilities" (which mainly affect the development dependencies) and because of ongoing framework breaking changes that force a developer to rewrite many parts of the code when some dependencies are not upgradable to the latest framework version.
Of course, this is just my two pence worth about reusable and portable web components, and I'm just a developer like many others who hope for a better web.
Happy reusable and portable web component authoring =)